How can I tell where the pipeline is located?
Look for these signs:

- Located near roads, railroads, and along the pipeline right-of-ways
- Marker for pipeline patrol plane
- Pipeline casing vent
- Painted metal or plastic posts
Are pipeline markers always placed on top of the pipeline?
Markers indicate the general location of the pipeline. They cannot be relied upon to indicate the exact position of the pipeline they mark. Also, the pipeline may not follow a straight course between markers. While markers are helpful in locating pipelines, they are limited in the information they provide. They provide no information, for example, on the depth or number of pipelines in the vicinity.
Pipeline contents:
- Pipelines carry both gaseous and liquid materials under high pressure.
- Many liquids form gaseous vapor clouds when released into the air.
- Many pipelines contain colorless and odorless products.
- Some gases are lighter than air and will rise.
- Other heavier-than-air gases and liquids will stay near the ground and collect in low spots.
- All petroleum gases and liquids are flammable.
- And pipeline leak can be potentially dangerous.